EDNA Plugin: EDPluginControlInterfacev2_0

Author:Marie-Francoise Incardona, Olof Svensson, Karl Levik
Copyright:European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France
Module doc:
Class doc:This plugin is an enhancement of EDPluginControlInterfacev1_2

Datamodels: XSDataMXv2

Datamodels: XSDataInteger, XSDataFloat, XSDataBoolean, XSDataString, XSDataDouble

Datamodels: XSDataMXv2

Datamodels: XSDataDiffractionPlan, XSDataInputCharacterisation

Datamodels: XSDataInteger, XSDataFloat, XSDataBoolean, XSDataString, XSDataDouble

Datamodels: XSDataDiffractionPlan, XSDataInputCharacterisation

Datamodels: XSDataInteger, XSDataFloat, XSDataBoolean, XSDataString, XSDataDouble

Datamodels: XSDataInteger, XSDataFloat, XSDataBoolean, XSDataString, XSDataDouble

Datamodels: XSDataInteger, XSDataFloat, XSDataBoolean, XSDataString, XSDataDouble
targetNamespace "http://www.edna-site.org"

package XSDataCommon {
    package CommonBasicTypes {

        complex type XSData {

        complex type XSDataBoolean extends XSData {
            "These simple objects that use built-in types are basically aimed to be used by the rest of the data model objects."
            value : boolean

        complex type XSDataDate extends XSDataString {
            "These simple objects that use built-in types are basically aimed to be used by the rest of the data model objects."

        complex type XSDataDouble extends XSData {
            "These simple objects that use built-in types are basically aimed to be used by the rest of the data model objects."
            value : double

        complex type XSDataFloat extends XSData {
            "These simple objects that use built-in types are basically aimed to be used by the rest of the data model objects."
            value : double

        complex type XSDataInteger extends XSData {
            "These simple objects that use built-in types are basically aimed to be used by the rest of the data model objects."
            value : integer

        complex type XSDataString extends XSData {
            "These simple objects that use built-in types are basically aimed to be used by the rest of the data model objects."
            value : string


    package CommonComplexTypes {

        complex type XSDataArray extends XSData {
            "md5 checksum has to be calculated on the decoded data, not the encoded one. Default encoding is \"base64\" default byte order is \"little-endian\" (intel) not \"big-endian\" (java)"
            coding : XSDataString optional
            data : string
            dtype : string
            md5sum : XSDataString optional
            shape : integer []
            size : integer

        complex type XSDataDictionary {
            keyValuePair : XSDataKeyValuePair [] optional

        complex type XSDataFile extends XSData {
            "These objects use the simple objects described above to create useful structures for the rest for the data model."
            path : XSDataString

        complex type XSDataImage extends XSDataFile {
            "These objects use the simple objects described above to create useful structures for the rest for the data model."
            date : XSDataString optional
            number : XSDataInteger optional

        complex type XSDataImageExt extends XSDataImage {
            "Represents an image that can either be in a file (path), either inside the XML (array) or as a reference for EDShare (shared) "
            array : XSDataArray optional
            exposureTime : XSDataTime optional
            shared : XSDataString optional

        complex type XSDataKeyValuePair {
            key : XSDataString
            value : XSDataString

        complex type XSDataSize extends XSData {
            "These objects use the simple objects described above to create useful structures for the rest for the data model."
            x : XSDataLength
            y : XSDataLength
            z : XSDataLength


    package CommonConfiguration {

        complex type XSConfiguration {
            XSImportConfiguration : XSImportConfiguration [] optional
            XSPluginList : XSPluginList optional

        complex type XSImportConfiguration {
            directory : string optional
            name : string

        complex type XSParamItem {
            name : string
            value : string

        complex type XSParamList {
            XSParamItem : XSParamItem []

        complex type XSPluginItem {
            XSParamList : XSParamList optional
            name : string

        complex type XSPluginList {
            XSPluginItem : XSPluginItem []


    package CommonInputAndResult {

        complex type XSDataExecutionInfo {
            "This class contains details of the execution of a particular plugin."
            baseDirectory : XSDataFile
            configuration : XSConfiguration
            executionTime : XSDataTime
            pluginName : XSDataString
            startOfExecution : XSDataDate
            systeminfo : XSDataSysteminfo
            workingDirectory : XSDataFile

        complex type XSDataInput extends XSData {
            "All plugin input and result classes should be derived from these two classes."
            configuration : XSConfiguration

        complex type XSDataMessage extends XSData {
            "This message class is used (amongst other messages) for warning and error messages."
            debuginfo : XSDataString
            level : XSDataString
            text : XSDataString
            ^type : XSDataString

        complex type XSDataResult extends XSData {
            "All plugin input and result classes should be derived from these two classes."
            status : XSDataStatus optional

        complex type XSDataStatus extends XSData {
            "This class contains all data related to the execution of a plugin."
            executionInfo : XSDataExecutionInfo optional
            executiveSummary : XSDataString optional
            isSuccess : XSDataBoolean
            message : XSDataMessage optional

        complex type XSDataSysteminfo extends XSData {
            "This class contains information about the system executing the plugin."
            compiler : XSDataString
            hostIP : XSDataString
            hostName : XSDataString
            operatingSystem : XSDataString
            operatingSystemType : XSDataString
            userName : XSDataString
            virtualMachine : XSDataString


    package CommonLinearAlgebra {

        complex type XSDataMatrix extends XSDataMatrixDouble {
            "XSDataMatrix is deprecated and should be replaced with XSDataMatrixDouble."

        complex type XSDataMatrixDouble extends XSData {
            "These are compound object used for linear algebra operations."
            m11 : double
            m12 : double
            m13 : double
            m21 : double
            m22 : double
            m23 : double
            m31 : double
            m32 : double
            m33 : double

        complex type XSDataMatrixInteger extends XSData {
            "These are compound object used for linear algebra operations."
            m11 : integer
            m12 : integer
            m13 : integer
            m21 : integer
            m22 : integer
            m23 : integer
            m31 : integer
            m32 : integer
            m33 : integer

        complex type XSDataUnitVector extends XSDataVectorDouble {
            "<>\r\n{abs(v1**2.0 + v3**2.0-1.0) < epsilon}"

        complex type XSDataVectorDouble extends XSData {
            "These are compound object used for linear algebra operations."
            v1 : double
            v2 : double
            v3 : double

        complex type XSDataVectorInteger extends XSData {
            "These are compound object used for linear algebra operations."
            v1 : integer
            v2 : integer
            v3 : integer


    package CommonTypesWithUnits {

        complex type XSDataAbsorbedDoseRate extends XSDataDoubleWithUnit {
            "These simple objects that use built-in types are basically aimed to be used by the rest of the data model objects."

        complex type XSDataAngle extends XSDataDisplacement {

        complex type XSDataAngularSpeed extends XSDataDoubleWithUnit {
            "These simple objects that use built-in types are basically aimed to be used by the rest of the data model objects."

        complex type XSDataDisplacement extends XSDataDoubleWithUnit {
            "These simple objects that use built-in types are basically aimed to be used by the rest of the data model objects."

        complex type XSDataDoubleWithUnit extends XSDataDouble {
            error : XSDataDouble optional
            unit : XSDataString optional

        complex type XSDataFlux extends XSDataDoubleWithUnit {
            "These simple objects that use built-in types are basically aimed to be used by the rest of the data model objects."

        complex type XSDataLength extends XSDataDoubleWithUnit {
            "These simple objects that use built-in types are basically aimed to be used by the rest of the data model objects."

        complex type XSDataLinearDisplacement extends XSDataDisplacement {

        complex type XSDataRotation extends XSData {
            "These are compound object used for linear algebra operations."
            q0 : double
            q1 : double
            q2 : double
            q3 : double

        complex type XSDataSpeed extends XSDataDoubleWithUnit {
            "These simple objects that use built-in types are basically aimed to be used by the rest of the data model objects."

        complex type XSDataTime extends XSDataDoubleWithUnit {
            "These simple objects that use built-in types are basically aimed to be used by the rest of the data model objects."

        complex type XSDataWavelength extends XSDataDoubleWithUnit {
            "These simple objects that use built-in types are basically aimed to be used by the rest of the data model objects."


Datamodels: XSDataInteger, XSDataFloat, XSDataBoolean, XSDataString, XSDataDouble

Datamodels: XSDataMXv2

Datamodels: XSDataMXv2

Datamodels: XSDataMXv2

Datamodels: XSDataInteger, XSDataFloat, XSDataBoolean, XSDataString, XSDataDouble

Datamodels: XSDataDiffractionPlan, XSDataInputCharacterisation

Datamodels: XSDataMXv2

Datamodels: XSDataDiffractionPlan, XSDataInputCharacterisation

Datamodels: XSDataDiffractionPlan, XSDataInputCharacterisation

Datamodels: XSDataDiffractionPlan, XSDataInputCharacterisation

Datamodels: XSDataDiffractionPlan, XSDataInputCharacterisation

Datamodels: XSDataDiffractionPlan, XSDataInputCharacterisation

Datamodels: XSDataDiffractionPlan, XSDataInputCharacterisation
targetNamespace "http://www.edna-site.org"

import XSDataCommon.XSData
import XSDataCommon.XSDataAbsorbedDoseRate
import XSDataCommon.XSDataAngle
import XSDataCommon.XSDataAngularSpeed
import XSDataCommon.XSDataBoolean
import XSDataCommon.XSDataDouble
import XSDataCommon.XSDataFile
import XSDataCommon.XSDataFloat
import XSDataCommon.XSDataFlux
import XSDataCommon.XSDataImage
import XSDataCommon.XSDataInput
import XSDataCommon.XSDataInteger
import XSDataCommon.XSDataLength
import XSDataCommon.XSDataMatrixDouble
import XSDataCommon.XSDataResult
import XSDataCommon.XSDataSize
import XSDataCommon.XSDataString
import XSDataCommon.XSDataTime
import XSDataCommon.XSDataVectorDouble
import XSDataCommon.XSDataWavelength
package XSDataMXv1 {
    package MXv1CharacterisationEtc {

        complex type XSDataImageQualityIndicators extends XSData {
            background3D_estimate : XSDataDouble optional
            binPopCutOffMethod2Res : XSDataDouble
            goodBraggCandidates : XSDataInteger
            iceRings : XSDataInteger
            image : XSDataImage
            inResTotal : XSDataInteger
            inResolutionOvrlSpots : XSDataInteger
            maxUnitCell : XSDataDouble optional
            method1Res : XSDataDouble
            method2Res : XSDataDouble optional
            pctSaturationTop50Peaks : XSDataDouble optional
            saturationRangeAverage : XSDataDouble optional
            saturationRangeMax : XSDataDouble optional
            saturationRangeMin : XSDataDouble optional
            selectedIndexingSolution : XSDataIndexingSolutionSelected optional
            signalRangeAverage : XSDataDouble optional
            signalRangeMax : XSDataDouble optional
            signalRangeMin : XSDataDouble optional
            spotTotal : XSDataInteger
            totalIntegratedSignal : XSDataDouble optional

        complex type XSDataInputCharacterisation extends XSDataInput {
            dataCollection : XSDataCollection

        complex type XSDataInputControlISPyB extends XSDataInput {
            characterisationResult : XSDataResultCharacterisation
            dataCollectionId : XSDataInteger optional
            kappa : XSDataAngle optional
            phi : XSDataAngle optional

        complex type XSDataInputControlImageQualityIndicators extends XSDataInput {
            doIndexing : XSDataBoolean optional
            doUploadToIspyb : XSDataBoolean optional
            image : XSDataImage []

        complex type XSDataInputControlXDSGenerateBackgroundImage extends XSDataInput {
            dataCollection : XSDataCollection

        complex type XSDataInputInducedRadiationProcess extends XSDataInput {
            characterisationResult : XSDataResultCharacterisation

        complex type XSDataInputReadImageHeader extends XSDataInput {
            "These two definitions are used by the read image header plugin."
            image : XSDataFile

        complex type XSDataInputSubWedgeAssemble extends XSDataInput {
            "These two definitions are used by the sub wedge assemble plugin."
            file : XSDataFile []

        complex type XSDataInputSubWedgeMerge extends XSDataInput {
            "These two definitions are used by the sub wedge merge plugins."
            subWedge : XSDataSubWedge []

        complex type XSDataResultCharacterisation extends XSDataResult {
            dataCollection : XSDataCollection
            executiveSummary : XSDataString
            imageQualityIndicators : XSDataImageQualityIndicators [] optional
            indexingResult : XSDataIndexingResult optional
            integrationResult : XSDataIntegrationResult optional
            shortSummary : XSDataString
            statusMessage : XSDataString
            strategyResult : XSDataResultStrategy optional
            xdsBackgroundImage : XSDataFile optional

        complex type XSDataResultControlISPyB extends XSDataResult {
            screeningId : XSDataInteger optional
            dataCollectionId : XSDataInteger optional

        complex type XSDataResultControlImageQualityIndicators extends XSDataResult {
            imageQualityIndicators : XSDataImageQualityIndicators [] optional

        complex type XSDataResultControlXDSGenerateBackgroundImage extends XSDataResult {
            xdsBackgroundImage : XSDataFile

        complex type XSDataResultInducedRadiationProcess extends XSDataResult {
            bFactor : XSDataDouble
            crystal : XSDataCrystal
            scale : XSDataDouble

        complex type XSDataResultReadImageHeader extends XSDataResult {
            "These two definitions are used by the read image header plugin."
            subWedge : XSDataSubWedge

        complex type XSDataResultSubWedgeAssemble extends XSDataResult {
            "These two definitions are used by the sub wedge assemble plugin."
            subWedge : XSDataSubWedge []

        complex type XSDataResultSubWedgeMerge extends XSDataResult {
            "These two definitions are used by the sub wedge merge plugins."
            subWedge : XSDataSubWedge []


    package MXv1Crystal {

        complex type XSDataCell extends XSData {
            "Crystallographic properties"
            angle_alpha : XSDataAngle
            angle_beta : XSDataAngle
            angle_gamma : XSDataAngle
            length_a : XSDataLength
            length_b : XSDataLength
            length_c : XSDataLength

        complex type XSDataCrystal extends XSData {
            "Crystallographic properties"
            cell : XSDataCell
            mosaicity : XSDataDouble optional
            spaceGroup : XSDataSpaceGroup

        complex type XSDataSpaceGroup extends XSData {
            "Crystallographic properties"
            ITNumber : XSDataInteger optional
            name : XSDataString


    package MXv1DataCollection {

        complex type XSDataBeam extends XSData {
            "This object contains all the properties related to the beam:\r\n- the exposure time (sec)\r\n- the flux (photons/sec)\r\n- The minimum exposure time permitted by hardware (sec)\r\n- The size of the beam (mm x mm)\r\n- The wavelength (a)\r\n- Transmission in %"
            exposureTime : XSDataTime optional
            flux : XSDataFlux optional
            minExposureTimePerImage : XSDataTime optional
            size : XSDataSize optional
            transmission : XSDataDouble optional
            wavelength : XSDataWavelength optional

        complex type XSDataCollection extends XSData {
            "The data collection carried out or to be carried out with a particular sample with specific user inputs defined by the diffraction plan."
            diffractionPlan : XSDataDiffractionPlan optional
            sample : XSDataSampleCrystalMM optional
            subWedge : XSDataSubWedge []

        complex type XSDataDetector extends XSData {
            "The properties of a detector. "
            beamPositionX : XSDataLength
            beamPositionY : XSDataLength
            bin : XSDataString
            byteOrder : XSDataString
            dataType : XSDataString
            distance : XSDataLength
            gain : XSDataFloat optional
            imageSaturation : XSDataInteger
            name : XSDataString
            numberBytesInHeader : XSDataInteger
            numberPixelX : XSDataInteger
            numberPixelY : XSDataInteger
            pixelSizeX : XSDataLength
            pixelSizeY : XSDataLength
            serialNumber : XSDataString
            twoTheta : XSDataAngle
            ^type : XSDataString

        complex type XSDataExperimentalCondition extends XSData {
            "This object encapsulates all the physical properties of an experiment instrumentation. i.e: Beam, detector, Goniostat."
            beam : XSDataBeam optional
            detector : XSDataDetector optional
            goniostat : XSDataGoniostat optional

        complex type XSDataGoniostat extends XSData {
            "The properties of a goniostat:\r\n- the maximal rotation speed permitted\r\n- the minimal width for an oscillation width of subwedge\r\n- the name of the rotation axis (typically phi)\r\n- the rotation start angle\r\n- the rotation end angle"
            maxOscillationSpeed : XSDataAngularSpeed optional
            minOscillationWidth : XSDataAngle optional
            oscillationWidth : XSDataAngle
            overlap : XSDataAngle optional
            rotationAxis : XSDataString
            rotationAxisEnd : XSDataAngle
            rotationAxisStart : XSDataAngle
            samplePosition : XSDataVectorDouble [] optional

        complex type XSDataSubWedge extends XSData {
            "A subwedge is defined as a list of images that been collected or is to be collected with some particular experimental condition. If the images are to be collected, the image list is empty.\r\nThe subWedgeNumber is an optional number for relating different subwedges, especially for planning data collections."
            action : XSDataString optional
            experimentalCondition : XSDataExperimentalCondition
            image : XSDataImage []
            subWedgeNumber : XSDataInteger optional


    package MXv1DiffractionPlan {

        complex type XSDataDiffractionPlan extends XSData {
            "This object contains the main properties a user can parameterize for a crystal characterisation:\r\n\r\n- the aimed* parameters are the parameters that a user would like to reach for a BEST run.\r\n- the required* are not yet used (the idea is to warn the user if these parameters cannot be reached)\r\n- complexity: BEST complexity input, can be either \"none\" (always single wedge strategy). \"min\" (few subwedges) or \"full\" (many subwedges).\r\n- maxExposureTimePerDataCollection is the max total exposure time (shutter open, not including readout time) the crystal can be exposed to the X-ray beam.\r\n- forcedSpaceGroup: option to force the space group of the indexing solution\r\n- strategyOption: extra option for BEST for more advanced strategies like estimating the sensitivity to radiation damage\r\n- anomalousData: Depreccated! Boolean value for enabling anomalous strategy. In the future the strategyOption should be used instead of anomalousData.\r\n- estimateRadiationDamage: Boolean value for enabling or disabling the use of Raddose for estimation of radiation damage. If estimateRadiationDamage is enabled also the flux and beamsize must be provided.\r\n- detectorDistanceMin and detectorDistanceMax: optimal input to BEST for limiting the calculated strategy resolution to be in the range of the detector displacements with respect to the sample.\n- minTransmission: optional input for BEST\r\n- kappaStrategyOption: optional input for kappa strategies\r\n- numberOfPositions: optional input for BEST"
            aimedCompleteness : XSDataDouble optional
            aimedIOverSigmaAtHighestResolution : XSDataDouble optional
            aimedMultiplicity : XSDataDouble optional
            aimedResolution : XSDataDouble optional
            anomalousData : XSDataBoolean optional
            complexity : XSDataString optional
            detectorDistanceMax : XSDataLength
            detectorDistanceMin : XSDataLength optional
            estimateRadiationDamage : XSDataBoolean optional
            forcedSpaceGroup : XSDataString optional
            goniostatMaxOscillationSpeed : XSDataAngularSpeed optional
            goniostatMinOscillationWidth : XSDataAngle optional
            kappaStrategyOption : XSDataString [] optional
            maxExposureTimePerDataCollection : XSDataTime optional
            minExposureTimePerImage : XSDataTime optional
            minTransmission : XSDataDouble optional
            numberOfPositions : XSDataInteger optional
            requiredCompleteness : XSDataDouble optional
            requiredMultiplicity : XSDataDouble optional
            requiredResolution : XSDataDouble optional
            strategyOption : XSDataString optional
            userDefinedRotationRange : XSDataAngle optional
            userDefinedRotationStart : XSDataAngle optional


    package MXv1Indexing {

        complex type XSDataIndexingInput extends XSDataInput {
            crystal : XSDataCrystal optional
            dataCollection : XSDataCollection
            experimentalCondition : XSDataExperimentalCondition optional

        complex type XSDataIndexingResult extends XSDataResult {
            image : XSDataImage []
            indexingLogFile : XSDataFile optional
            labelitIndexing : XSDataBoolean
            predictionResult : XSDataGeneratePredictionResult optional
            selectedSolution : XSDataIndexingSolutionSelected
            solution : XSDataIndexingSolution [] optional

        complex type XSDataIndexingSolution extends XSData {
            crystal : XSDataCrystal
            number : XSDataInteger
            penalty : XSDataFloat

        complex type XSDataIndexingSolutionSelected extends XSDataIndexingSolution {
            experimentalConditionRefined : XSDataExperimentalCondition
            mosaicityEstimation : XSDataFloat optional
            orientation : XSDataOrientation
            statistics : XSDataStatisticsIndexing

        complex type XSDataOrientation extends XSData {
            matrixA : XSDataMatrixDouble
            matrixU : XSDataMatrixDouble

        complex type XSDataStatisticsIndexing extends XSData {
            beamPositionShiftX : XSDataLength
            beamPositionShiftY : XSDataLength
            spotDeviationAngular : XSDataAngle
            spotDeviationPositional : XSDataLength
            spotsTotal : XSDataInteger
            spotsUsed : XSDataInteger


    package MXv1PredictionAndIntegration {

        complex type XSDataGeneratePredictionInput extends XSDataInput {
            "This generalisation is not very logical in terms of names, it should be fixed after the prototype (see bug #49)."
            dataCollection : XSDataCollection
            selectedIndexingSolution : XSDataIndexingSolutionSelected

        complex type XSDataGeneratePredictionResult extends XSDataResult {
            predictionImage : XSDataImage []

        complex type XSDataIntegrationInput extends XSDataGeneratePredictionInput {
            "This generalisation is not very logical in terms of names, it should be fixed after the prototype (see bug #49)."
            crystalRefined : XSDataCrystal optional
            experimentalConditionRefined : XSDataExperimentalCondition optional

        complex type XSDataIntegrationResult extends XSDataResult {
            integrationSubWedgeResult : XSDataIntegrationSubWedgeResult [] optional

        complex type XSDataIntegrationSubWedgeResult extends XSData {
            bestfileDat : XSDataString
            bestfileHKL : XSDataString
            bestfilePar : XSDataString
            experimentalConditionRefined : XSDataExperimentalCondition
            generatedMTZFile : XSDataFile
            integrationLogFile : XSDataFile
            statistics : XSDataStatisticsIntegration
            statisticsPerResolutionBin : XSDataStatisticsIntegrationPerResolutionBin []
            subWedgeNumber : XSDataInteger

        complex type XSDataStatisticsIntegration extends XSData {
            RMSSpotDeviation : XSDataLength
            iOverSigmaAtHighestResolution : XSDataDouble
            iOverSigmaOverall : XSDataDouble
            numberOfBadReflections : XSDataInteger
            numberOfFullyRecordedReflections : XSDataInteger
            numberOfNegativeReflections : XSDataInteger
            numberOfOverlappedReflections : XSDataInteger
            numberOfPartialReflections : XSDataInteger
            numberOfReflectionsGenerated : XSDataInteger

        complex type XSDataStatisticsIntegrationAverageAndNumberOfReflections {
            averageIOverSigma : XSDataDouble
            averageIntensity : XSDataDouble
            averageSigma : XSDataDouble
            numberOfReflections : XSDataInteger

        complex type XSDataStatisticsIntegrationPerReflectionType extends XSData {
            fullyRecorded : XSDataStatisticsIntegrationAverageAndNumberOfReflections
            partials : XSDataStatisticsIntegrationAverageAndNumberOfReflections

        complex type XSDataStatisticsIntegrationPerResolutionBin extends XSData {
            maxResolution : XSDataDouble
            minResolution : XSDataDouble
            profileFitted : XSDataStatisticsIntegrationPerReflectionType
            summation : XSDataStatisticsIntegrationPerReflectionType


    package MXv1Sample {

        complex type XSDataAtom extends XSData {
            "This object describes a single atom content (of type \'symbol\' i.e \'S\') that could be either expressed in concentration if dilute in a solvent (mM) or in number in a structure"
            concentration : XSDataDouble optional
            numberOf : XSDataDouble optional
            symbol : XSDataString

        complex type XSDataAtomicComposition extends XSData {
            atom : XSDataAtom [] optional

        complex type XSDataChain extends XSData {
            "A polymer chain of type \'protein\', \'dna\' or \'rna\' that contains monomers (which number is defined by numberOfMonomers) and a list of heavy atoms. The number of this is particular chain in the whole polymer is defined by numberOfCopies."
            heavyAtoms : XSDataAtomicComposition
            numberOfCopies : XSDataDouble
            "number of identical chain within the structure"
            numberOfMonomers : XSDataDouble
            "should be the number of amino-acid, ribonuclotides or desoxyribonucleotides depending on the type"
            ^type : XSDataString "should be either: \'protein\', \'dna\'or \'rna\'"

        complex type XSDataChemicalCompositionMM extends XSData {
            "This is the composition of a crystal sample of a Macro Molecule (MM stand for Macro Molecule)"
            solvent : XSDataSolvent
            structure : XSDataStructure

        complex type XSDataLigand extends XSData {
            "A polymer ligand that contains a set of heavy atoms, the number of all the light atoms (weight <= Oxygen) and the number of copies of this particular ligand in the polymer."
            heavyAtoms : XSDataAtomicComposition
            numberOfCopies : XSDataDouble
            "should be the number of chemically identical ligands in the structure"
            numberOfLightAtoms : XSDataDouble
            "Should be the total of the number of atoms of C, O, N\r\nH is negligible"

        complex type XSDataSample extends XSData {
            "This defines the main properties of a sample:\r\n- absorbed dose rate in Gray/sec\r\n- shape: the factor that is related to the sample and the beam size (1 if crystal smaller than beam size or = to the ratio of crystal size to the beam size if the beam is smaller then crystal).\r\n- sample size\r\n- the susceptibility of the sample to radiation damage."
            absorbedDoseRate : XSDataAbsorbedDoseRate optional
            radiationDamageModelBeta : XSDataDouble optional
            radiationDamageModelGamma : XSDataDouble optional
            shape : XSDataDouble optional
            size : XSDataSize optional
            susceptibility : XSDataDouble optional

        complex type XSDataSampleCrystal extends XSDataSample {
            "A crystal sample. Inherites of all the XSDataSample attributes (inheritance relationship). In addition has the crystallographic properties (cell, mosaicity, space, group)"
            crystal : XSDataCrystal

        complex type XSDataSampleCrystalMM extends XSDataSampleCrystal {
            "A particular crystal sample that contains a macro molecule defined by its chemical composition."
            chemicalComposition : XSDataChemicalCompositionMM

        complex type XSDataSolvent extends XSData {
            "Defines the content of the solvent by defining the concentration of elements in millimoles/litre. Note that this atom composition should not include oxygen and lighter atoms."
            atoms : XSDataAtomicComposition

        complex type XSDataStructure extends XSData {
            "This is the polymer structure composed by a list of chains and a list of ligands.\r\nThis structure is also defined by its number in the asymmetric unit."
            chain : XSDataChain [] optional
            ligand : XSDataLigand [] optional
            numberOfCopiesInAsymmetricUnit : XSDataDouble


    package MXv1Strategy {

        complex type XSDataCollectionPlan extends XSData {
            "The comment can be used for describing exotic data collections, for example without collecting any images."
            collectionPlanNumber : XSDataInteger
            collectionStrategy : XSDataCollection
            comment : XSDataString optional
            statistics : XSDataStatisticsStrategy
            strategySummary : XSDataStrategySummary

        complex type XSDataInputStrategy extends XSDataInput {
            bestFileContentDat : XSDataString
            bestFileContentHKL : XSDataString []
            bestFileContentPar : XSDataString
            crystalRefined : XSDataCrystal
            dataCollection : XSDataCollection optional
            diffractionPlan : XSDataDiffractionPlan
            experimentalCondition : XSDataExperimentalCondition
            sample : XSDataSampleCrystalMM
            xdsBackgroundImage : XSDataFile optional

        complex type XSDataResolutionBin extends XSData {
            IOverSigma : XSDataDouble
            IOverSigmaChi : XSDataDouble optional
            averageIntensity : XSDataDouble
            averageIntensityOverAverageSigma : XSDataDouble optional
            averageSigma : XSDataDouble
            chi2 : XSDataDouble
            completeness : XSDataDouble
            maxResolution : XSDataDouble
            minResolution : XSDataDouble
            percentageOverload : XSDataDouble
            rFactor : XSDataDouble
            rFriedel : XSDataDouble optional
            redundancy : XSDataDouble

        complex type XSDataResultStrategy extends XSDataResult {
            "Several collection plans could be present in case of multi-sweep strategy"
            bestGraphFile : XSDataFile []
            bestLogFile : XSDataFile optional
            collectionPlan : XSDataCollectionPlan [] optional
            raddoseLogFile : XSDataFile optional
            sample : XSDataSampleCrystalMM optional

        complex type XSDataStatisticsStrategy extends XSData {
            resolutionBin : XSDataResolutionBin [] optional

        complex type XSDataStrategySummary extends XSData {
            "OBS! The attribute \"attenuation\" in XSDataStrategySummary is deprecated, see bug #379. Please use instead \"transmission\" in XSDataBeam."
            attenuation : XSDataDouble optional
            completeness : XSDataDouble
            iSigma : XSDataDouble
            rankingResolution : XSDataDouble
            redundancy : XSDataDouble
            resolution : XSDataDouble
            resolutionReasoning : XSDataString
            totalDataCollectionTime : XSDataTime
            totalExposureTime : XSDataTime


Datamodels: XSDataMXv2
targetNamespace "http://www.edna-site.org"

import XSDataCommon.XSData
import XSDataCommon.XSDataUnitVector
import XSDataCommon.XSDataDate
import XSDataCommon.XSDataWavelength
import XSDataCommon.XSDataString
import XSDataCommon.XSDataInteger
import XSDataCommon.XSDataAngle
import XSDataCommon.XSDataDouble
import XSDataCommon.XSDataVectorDouble
import XSDataCommon.XSDataBoolean
import XSDataCommon.XSDataDisplacement
import XSDataCommon.XSDataRotation
import XSDataCommon.XSDataTime
import XSDataCommon.XSDataLength
import XSDataCommon.XSDataInput
import XSDataCommon.XSDataResult

import XSDataMXv1.XSDataInputCharacterisation
import XSDataMXv1.XSDataResultCharacterisation
import XSDataMXv1.XSDataResultStrategy

complex type XSBeam extends XSData {
    polarisatation : XSDataUnitVector
    direction : XSDataUnitVector

complex type XSBeamSetting extends XSData {
    wavelength : XSDataWavelength
    XSBeam : XSBeam

complex type XSCalibratedDisplacementAxis extends XSData {
    zerodirection : XSDataUnitVector
    XSCalibration : XSCalibration

complex type XSCalibration extends XSData {
    date : XSDataDate

complex type XSCollectionWedge extends XSWedge {

complex type XSDataCollection extends XSData {
    imagelocation : XSDataString
    XSSubWedge : XSSubWedge []

complex type XSDataLattice extends XSData {
    unitcell : XSDataUnitCell
    representativespacegroup : XSDataSpaceGroupType
    "Space group symbol for lowest symmetry space group that is consistent with the lattice type"

complex type XSDataSpaceGroupType extends XSData {
    iucrnumber : XSDataInteger
    iucrstandardsymbol : XSDataString

complex type XSDataUnitCell extends XSData {
    angles : XSDataAngle []
    edgelengths : XSDataLength []

complex type XSDetector extends XSDisplacementList {
    name : XSDataString
    shape : XSDataString "circular, square,..."
    radius : XSDataDouble "units=mm"
    readouttime : XSDataDouble "units=s"
    switchingplatetime : XSDataDouble
    darkcurrent : XSDataVectorDouble
    background : XSDataDouble
    profileerror : XSDataDouble
    XSDetectorFaceAxis : XSDetectorFaceAxis []
    XSDetectorAxis : XSDetectorAxis [] optional

complex type XSDetectorAxis extends XSDisplacementAxis {

complex type XSDetectorFaceAxis extends XSData {
    name : XSDataString
    pixelsize : XSDataDouble "units=mm"
    numberofpixels : XSDataInteger
    XSDetectorFaceAxisDirection : XSDetectorFaceAxisDirection [] optional

complex type XSDetectorFaceAxisDirection extends XSData {
    direction : XSDataUnitVector

complex type XSDetectorFaceSetting extends XSData {
    detectoraxesorigin : XSDataVectorDouble
    XSDetectorFaceAxisDirection : XSDetectorFaceAxisDirection []

complex type XSDetectorImageProperties extends XSData {
    mode : XSDataString
    headersize : XSDataInteger
    headersizevariable : XSDataBoolean
    format : XSDataString

complex type XSDetectorRotationAxis extends XSDetectorAxis {

complex type XSDetectorSetting extends XSDisplacementListSetting {
    axissetting : XSDataDisplacement []
    XSDetector : XSDetector

complex type XSDetectorTranslationAxis extends XSDetectorAxis {

complex type XSDiffractionImages extends XSData {
    filename : XSDataString

complex type XSDisplacementAxis extends XSData {
    name : XSDataString
    XSCalibratedDisplacementAxis : XSCalibratedDisplacementAxis [] optional

complex type XSDisplacementList extends XSData {

complex type XSDisplacementListSetting extends XSData {

complex type XSFoundSpot extends XSData {
    detectorposition : XSDataDouble []
    omega : XSDataAngle
    intensity : XSDataDouble
    intensityesu : XSDataDouble

complex type XSGoniostatAxis extends XSDisplacementAxis {
    isscannable : XSDataBoolean

complex type XSGoniostatBaseAxis extends XSGoniostatAxis {

complex type XSGoniostatRotatableAxis extends XSGoniostatAxis {

complex type XSImageRange extends XSData {
    startimage : XSDataInteger
    endimage : XSDataInteger
    XSProcessingWedge : XSProcessingWedge

complex type XSIndexingInput extends XSData {
    XSSpotSearchOutput : XSSpotSearchOutput []
    XSIndexingResult : XSIndexingResult [] optional

complex type XSIndexingOutput extends XSData {
    statistics : XSStatisticsIndexing optional
    refinedaxisdirection : XSDataUnitVector optional
    XSWedge : XSWedge

complex type XSIndexingResult extends XSData {
    selectedsolution : XSDataInteger "Index of selected solution in solution list"
    XSIndexingOutput : XSIndexingOutput []
    XSIndexingSolution : XSIndexingSolution [] optional

complex type XSIndexingSolution extends XSData {
    lattice : XSDataLattice
    penalty : XSDataDouble

complex type XSIndexingSolutionSelected extends XSIndexingSolution {
    refineddetectorsetting : XSDetectorFaceSetting
    mosaicityestimated : XSDataDouble
    statistics : XSStatisticsIndexing
    orientation : XSDataRotation

complex type XSProcessingWedge extends XSWedge {

complex type XSRotationExposure extends XSData {
    imagewidth : XSDataAngle
    numberimages : XSDataInteger
    exposuretime : XSDataTime
    XSGoniostatAxis : XSGoniostatAxis

complex type XSRotationalGoniostat extends XSDisplacementList {
    XSGoniostatBaseAxis : XSGoniostatBaseAxis
    XSGoniostatRotatableAxis : XSGoniostatRotatableAxis [] optional

complex type XSRotationalGoniostatSetting extends XSDisplacementListSetting {
    baseaxissetting : XSDataAngle
    axissetting : XSDataAngle [] optional
    XSRotationalGoniostat : XSRotationalGoniostat

complex type XSSample extends XSData {
    identifier : XSDataString
    XSDataCollection : XSDataCollection [] optional

complex type XSSpotSearchOutput extends XSData {
    spots : XSFoundSpot [] optional
    XSWedge : XSWedge

complex type XSStatisticsIndexing extends XSData {
    spotdeviationangular : XSDataAngle
    spotdeviationpositional : XSDataLength
    spotstotal : XSDataInteger
    spotsused : XSDataInteger

complex type XSSubWedge extends XSData {
    imagefilenametemplate : XSDataString
    XSBeamSetting : XSBeamSetting
    XSCollectionWedge : XSCollectionWedge
    XSDetectorSetting : XSDetectorSetting
    XSDiffractionImages : XSDiffractionImages [] optional
    XSImageRange : XSImageRange [] optional
    XSRotationalGoniostatSetting : XSRotationalGoniostatSetting
    XSRotationExposure : XSRotationExposure

complex type XSWedge extends XSData {
    ednaid : XSDataString

complex type status {
    code : status_code
    message : string optional

complex type status_code {
    code : string

complex type kappa_alignment_response {
    status : status
    comment : string
    possible_orientation : possible_orientation []        

complex type possible_orientation {
    v1 : string
    v2 : string
    omega : double
    kappa : double
    phi : double
    trans : string
    rank : double

complex type XSDataInputCharacterisationv2_0 extends XSDataInput {
    mxv1InputCharacterisation : XSDataInputCharacterisation
    mxv1ResultCharacterisation_Reference : XSDataResultCharacterisation optional
    mxv2DataCollection : XSDataCollection optional
    mxv2DataCollection_Reference : XSDataCollection optional
    possibleOrientations : kappa_alignment_response optional

complex type XSDataResultCharacterisationv2_0 extends XSDataResult {
    mxv1ResultCharacterisation : XSDataResultCharacterisation
    mxv1ResultCharacterisation_Reference : XSDataResultCharacterisation optional
    suggestedStrategy : XSDataResultStrategy optional
    suggestedOrientation : possible_orientation optional
    possibleOrientations : kappa_alignment_response optional